Friday, Sep 20, 2024

Join The Barbecue Bible 500 Club Today!

Are you looking for an exciting new barbecue challenge this summer and beyond?

Introducing Steven Raichlen’s Barbecue! Bible 500 Club, a new and exclusive platform for serious practitioners of the art of barbecue.

The Club was the brainchild of Robbie and Aly Douglass, former Californians now living in Spain, who, inspired by their vintage copy of The Barbecue! Bible, cooked their way through its pages—all 536 recipes! Their epic culinary journey began modestly, they said in an email to Steven. Initially, they grilled or smoked a few recipes each week. Soon, the couple was preparing two to three recipes each evening. Even so, it took the Douglasses two years to accomplish their goal. (We were reminded of the 2009 movie, Julie and Julia, in which a young New Yorker challenges herself to cook in her tiny apartment kitchen the 524 recipes in Julia Child’s book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking in 365 days.)

Robbie and Aly

Robbie and Aly took an organized approach to their self-imposed challenge. Robbie wrote:

Fortunately, from the start it occurred to me to date and rate the recipes on a scale of 1 – 5 stars. It was a spontaneous idea with no preconceived plan that we would do them all. And who would think that anyway? After all, nobody can do 500 recipes. That’s impossible! But they were all so delicious, interesting and exotic that we thought, even if we die trying, it will be the best food we have ever eaten.

The Barbecue! Bible

Now, you can become a charter member of the Barbecue! Bible 500 Club. Share with other barbecue fanatics (and the Douglasses!) your experiences as you work your way through the book’s pages, figuratively visiting some of the world’s most exciting grilling cultures. It’s simple. It’s free. Here’s how:

Join the Barbecue Bible 500 Club

  • Buy or pull out your copy of The Barbecue! Bible. (if you don’t already own a copy, you can get 20% off your copy on when you use the promo code RAICHLEN — click here to buy)
  • Start grilling your way through the book.
  • Download our spreadsheet to track your progress.
  • Share your photos and comments on our Facebook group.
  • As you cook your way through the book, we’ll reward you with various prizes.
  • The Barbecue Bible 500 Club. Bringing the world of barbecue to the grill in your backyard.

    Thanks, best, and grill on!

    Are you ready to join the Barbecue Bible 500 Club? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or Instagram!

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    By: Daniel Hale
    Title: Join The Barbecue Bible 500 Club Today!
    Sourced From:
    Published Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 12:50:16 +0000

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